
2022-04-18 18:49

‘나는 친구를 오랜만에(몇 주만에) 봤어’ (6)
  • seralove02 2022-04-23 00:58:06

    I met a friend after a long time (in a few weeks).

  • jyk11404 2022-12-20 11:39:54

    I came across my friend who I hadn't seen for a few weeks.

  • mjh1224 2022-07-04 09:15:22

    It's been a few weeks since I met the friend.

  • anna9858 2023-12-14 17:58:43

    It's been a while since l met my friend

  • imaum7942 2022-06-20 23:11:15

    It has been a while since I met my friend.

  • naeun728 2023-09-19 14:59:59

    I met a friend who I hadn't seen for a long time


2022-02-19 15:11

3일안에 예약금을 보내지 않으면, 자동으로 예약은 취소가 된다. 를 영어로 뭐라고 할까요? (6)
  • parkdy85 2022-04-16 01:06:27

    If you don’t send a deposit to us in 3days, the reservation will be canceled automatically.

  • jyk11404 2022-12-20 13:21:03

    If the deposit is not paid within three days, the reservation will be canceled.

  • bdthousand 2022-09-23 10:07:11

    If you don’t send a deposit in 3 days, the reservation will be canceled automatically.

  • jinoyeyo 2022-02-28 23:59:27

    Your reservation will be canceled automatically unless you pay deposits within three days.

  • dotmdoa 2022-03-15 11:57:31

    If you don't pay the deposit within 3 days, then immediately your reservation will be canceled.

  • mjh1224 2022-07-04 09:17:21

    You're needed to pay a deposit within 3 days, or the reservation will automatically be canceled.


2022-01-26 11:30

편지에서 "너에게 항상 행운이 함께하길" 영어로 어떻게 쓸까요? (9)
  • ley2711 2023-01-20 23:44:00

    i wish you good luck always

  • yonsei2240 2023-02-16 14:39:12

    편지끝에 Best wishes!

  • colc6 2023-01-19 23:40:09

    간단하게 메일 마무리하는 표현으로 all the best 라고 많이들 사용하는것 같아요

  • dotmdoa 2022-03-15 11:58:53

    편지 말미에 Best of luck 혹은 I wish you the best 라고 쓰시면 됩니다.

  • mjh1224 2022-02-25 18:47:48

    I wish you good luck as always.

  • piung 2023-07-14 17:12:08

    I wish you always luck

  • bluestone75 2022-02-15 20:39:41

    I think "I wish you good luck all the time"

  • khm92920 2023-04-02 20:20:08

    May luck be with you all the time

  • seungjoo5c 2022-04-27 17:58:33

    wish you always good luck 이라


2022-01-07 15:19

"아직 퇴근 안했어? 퇴근 안해?" 캐쥬얼하게 질문(간단한 인사조로...)할 때 어떻게 표현할까요??? (4)
  • dotmdoa 2022-03-15 12:01:12

    Are you still at work?

  • mjh1224 2022-02-25 18:48:33

    Are you still working on it?

  • bluestone75 2022-02-15 20:43:11

    You didn't go home yet? You're not going home?

  • elijah.sh7 2022-01-22 20:52:13

    Why are you still on the work? Why don't you get off and take a rest~/ Aren't you going home?
    제가 알기로는 외국에서는 인사조로 퇴근 안하니? 이런게 없는 것 같아요. 정시 퇴근은 당연하다는 분위기랄까?


2022-01-07 09:15

저희 아이들은 대체적으로 활동적인 수업을 좋아하고, 손으로 만드는 창의적인 활동에 적극적으로 참여합니다 저 또한 엄마로서 아이들이 하교후 가정에서도 영어환경을 조성해 학교에 잘 적응할수 있도록 돕겠습니다 (3)
  • dotmdoa 2022-03-15 12:20:04

    My kids tend to like an energetic class and actively attend a creative activity of making something by hand. As a mother, I will also support my kids even at home after school so that they adapt to the school.

  • bluestone75 2022-02-15 20:44:02

    Our children generally like active classes and actively participate in hand-made creative activities. As a mother, I will also help children adapt well to school by creating an English environment at home after school.

  • elijah.sh7 2022-01-22 21:14:20

    Our children prefer activity class and they are also passionate to participate in creative activities such as making their own things by their hands. As a mother of the children, I feel responsibility to make my kids to have an English environment at home for well adjusted in school and I would educate my children to behave in the school.
