
2021-06-15 23:49

생활비 나가고 나면 남는 돈이 쥐꼬리라서, 우량주 주식을 살 수가 없어요. (3)
  • dh0746 2021-06-17 10:17:18

    I can't buy blue-chip stocks because the money will be used up for living expenses.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-04 15:04:27

    After the cost of living is over, the remaining money is a rat's tail, so I can't buy blue-chip stocks.

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 16:08:10

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---


2021-06-09 21:56

1반갑습니다. 저는000이라고 하고요 저의 취미는 ~~~입니다. 2당신은 무엇을 좋아하시나요? 3당신의 폰 기종은 무엇인가요? (파파고 금지!!!^^) 답변 부탁드려요~~` (5)
  • mjh1224 2021-06-10 23:54:07

    1. Nice to meet you. This is 000.
    2. I like doing 00 in my free time.
    3. What about you?
    4. Let me know what kind of phone you use?

  • 0817hal 2021-06-14 23:21:50

    HI,nice to meet you. I like doing for fun. what do you do for fun ? what's your model of phone ?

  • jpkim1542 2021-09-30 22:22:53

    Nice to meet you. I'm 000 and my hobby is ~~~~~. 2. What do you like? 3. What's your phone model?

  • fullluck74 2021-11-04 15:05:10

    Nice to meet you. My name is 000 and my hobby is ~~~~~. 2. What do you like? 3. What's your phone model?

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 16:08:46

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---


2021-05-10 14:42

1 아직 쇼핑몰을 열기전이에요 준비중이에요 2 남편은 내가 한 요리를 뭐든 맛있게 잘 먹어줘요 3 요즘은 요리가 조금 귀찮아요 4 매일 하다보니까요 5 그런가요? 6 아이가 감기걸려서 어린이집에 못가고 쉬고있어요 (3)
  • mjh1224 2021-05-19 00:00:14

    1 'm still getting ready for a shopping mall. 2. My husband loves everything I cook. 3. These days, I'm a little lazy to cook as I do it every day. 5. Is that so? 6. My kid caught a cold, so I can't let him(her) go to the daycare center.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-02 15:41:16

    1. We haven't opened a shopping mall yet. I'm getting ready. My husband enjoys everything I cook. 3 These days, cooking is a bit annoying. 4 Since I do it every day, is it 5? Six kids have a cold, so they can't go to daycare and are resting.

  • 70years 2021-11-03 14:04:40

    1. We haven't opened a shopping mall yet. I'm getting ready. My husband enjoys everything I cook. 3 These days, cooking is a bit annoying. 4 Since I do it every day, is it 5? Six kids have a cold, so they can't go to daycare and are resting.


2021-04-20 14:38

2500L. 많게 느껴지나요? 우리는 적을 때는 하루에 1L의 물도 먹지 않기 때문이죠. (5)
  • freekid0314 2024-02-19 11:49:58

    2,500L, Do you think it's too much? Because sometimes we don't drink less than 1L water a day.

  • mjh1224 2021-04-24 23:55:04

    Do you think 2500 listers are too much? This is because we don't even drink 1L of water a day.

  • 2yiseul2 2021-04-27 23:50:17

    Does it feel like 2500 L a lot? Because we don't even drink 1L of water a day when we drink water a little.

  • 70years 2021-11-02 19:59:05

    2500L. Can you feel it? This is because we don't drink even 1L of water a day when it's small.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-04 15:05:52

    2500L. Can you feel it? This is because we don't drink even 1L of water a day when it's small.


2021-04-19 00:53

햄버거 하나를 먹지 않으면 양치하면서 물을 아끼는 것, 걸어다니는 것보다 훨씬 더 물을 많이 아낄 수 있다. (4)
  • fullluck74 2021-11-09 13:36:44

    If you don't eat a hamburger, you can save water while brushing your teeth and much more water than walking around.

  • 2yiseul2 2021-04-19 22:54:09

    If we don't eat a hamburger, we can save water much more than brushing our teeth and walking around.

  • mjh1224 2021-04-24 23:58:22

    If people do not eat hamburgers, it is possible to save much more water than brushing your teeth and walking around.

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 16:08:16

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---
