
2021-10-06 20:12

골반쪽이 최근에 아프기 시작해서 오늘 병원에서 물리치료 받았어. 골반, 물리치료 등의 단어를 정확히 어떤 표현으로 사용해서 말해야 될지 모르겠습니다ㅠㅠ (3)
  • mjh1224 2021-10-11 12:19:05

    My hips began to hurt recently so I started getting physical therapy.

  • 70years 2021-11-02 19:57:50

    My pelvis recently started to hurt, so I got physical therapy at the hospital today.

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 14:15:40

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---


2021-07-13 13:46

건조해지는 것을 막기 막기위해 핸드크림을 바릅니다. (7)
  • mjh1224 2021-07-18 13:06:22

    I put some moisturizer on my hands not to get dry.

  • sweetlee33 2021-07-18 23:46:58

    I apply hand cream to my hands not to get dry.

  • hhaayyjj 2021-07-20 09:15:38

    I apply hand cream not to get dried.

  • melody111 2021-09-28 22:47:42

    I apply moisturizer to my hands not to get dry.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-02 15:40:21

    Apply hand cream to prevent dryness.

  • 70years 2021-11-02 19:58:05

    Apply hand cream to prevent dryness.

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 16:08:05

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---


2021-07-09 09:49

탄산음료는 김이 빠지기 때문에 뚜껑을 닫는게 중요해! 를 영어로 어떻게할까요?! (8)
  • mjh1224 2021-07-09 23:00:31

    It's important to put the lid on the soda to keep it fizzy.

  • deal2007 2021-08-26 16:04:47

    It's important to put the lid on because it goes flat.

  • melody111 2021-09-28 22:48:22

    It's essential to put the lid on to keep it fizzy.

  • jpkim1542 2021-09-30 22:21:23

    It's important to close the lid because soda takes out steam.

  • 70years 2021-11-03 14:04:19

    It's important to close the lid because soda takes out steam.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-04 15:02:50

    It's important to close the lid because soda takes out steam.

  • ymkhh0070 2021-11-16 16:57:31

    It's important to put the lid on the soda to keep it fizzy.

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 14:15:48

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---


2021-06-16 06:33

싫어하는 음식이 없어서 좋아하는 음식을 말하기 어렵네요 (5)
  • freekid0314 2024-02-19 11:22:36

    There's no food I don't like, it's hard to say what food I like.

  • dh0746 2021-06-17 10:14:30

    I have a good appetite. so there are no foods that i away from. '식욕이 좋아서 가리는 음식이 없다'로 의역할 수 있겠네요~

  • mjh1224 2021-06-17 23:52:02

    I am not a picky eater so it is hard to say the food that I hate.

  • 70years 2021-08-04 09:32:28

    I am not a picky eater so it is hard to say the food that I hate.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-04 15:04:00

    I'm not picky because I don't have any food I don't like.


2021-06-16 00:10

훼손되어 가는 우리 문화유산을 보전하기 위한 방법을 찾아 봅시다. (4)
  • dh0746 2021-06-17 10:18:36

    Let's find a way to preserve our cultural heritage that is being damaged.

  • fullluck74 2021-11-01 18:29:11

    Let's find a way to preserve our cultural heritage that is being damaged.

  • 70years 2021-11-02 19:58:34

    Let's find a way to preserve our damaged cultural heritage.

  • 이티폰매니저 2021-11-22 16:08:35

    ---답변이 완료된 게시물로 해당 댓글 다음 추가 작성되는 댓글은 삭제 및 포인트 지급이 되지 않습니다.---
